New Name!

New Name!

Hi friends, this is a big change and a decision we have been considering for years now. We finally decided to take the leap and rebrand! Something I have been asked many times since announcing this change is why? Our name, Alder + Ash was carried over from when my husband had a wood working business, we updated our logo but not our name because it seemed so daunting. Alder and Ash are tree names hence the wood working 😅 

It has been a journey to even get to this point, rebranding is a huge task and so many things had to be changed and updated! I am glad we took the leap and didn't let it overwhelm us anymore.

Ok! On to the fun stuff, our new name 😍 I wanted a name that reflected our jewelry and our aesthetic. We chose Silver & Sage, to me it evokes images of all sorts of good things and good vibes! We will be including a Free California sage stick in every OOAK order 🤩 I am originally from California so its like a little bit of home and smells amazing! 

We have upgraded our packaging, our branding, stickers and logo but we will still be providing the same high quality, hand crafted jewelry you have come to love over the years. 

Lastly, thank you so much!! We would not have been able to make this big change without your constant and continued support. Our customers mean the world to us and many of you have become like family. Thank you for loving our art and allowing us to create the pieces that you hold dear.

We are so excited for the future and so happy you are part of our story. Thank you!!!


Shannon and Jacob


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